четверг, 21 июля 2011 г.

New Hampshire Senate Approves Bill That Would Allow Emergency Contraception To Be Sold Without Doctor's Prescription

The New Hampshire Senate on Thursday approved 14-10 a bill... (SB 30) that would allow emergency contraception to be sold without a doctor's prescription, the Concord Monitor reports. The measure would allow specially trained pharmacists to dispense EC, which can prevent pregnancy if taken within 72 hours of intercourse (Heckman, Concord Monitor, 4/1). Under the measure, only pharmacists who choose to participate in a training session sponsored by the state pharmacy board could provide the pills to patients without prescriptions. Pharmacists would not be required to undergo the training to dispense EC to patients with prescriptions (Kaiser Daily Reproductive Health Report, 6/9/04). Before approving the measure, the state Senate rejected 16-8 an amendment to the bill that would have allowed pharmacists to sell EC without a prescription to people ages 18 or older only, according to the AP/Nashua Telegraph (Love, AP/Nashua Telegraph, 4/1). Supporters of the bill say that easier access to EC will help to reduce the number of unintended pregnancies and abortions, according to the Monitor (Concord Monitor, 4/1). Opponents of the measure say it would "encourage promiscuity," according to the AP/Telegraph. The bill now goes to the state House. Pamela Walsh, a spokesperson for New Hampshire Gov. John Lynch (D), said the governor will sign the measure if it passes the state House, according to the AP/Telegraph (AP/Nashua Telegraph, 4/1). Former New Hampshire Gov. Craig Benson (R) in June 2004 vetoed an identical measure (SB 484) (Kaiser Daily Reproductive Health Report, 6/9/04).

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