вторник, 28 июня 2011 г.

Giuliani Discusses Abortion Rights, Promotes Adoption During Campaign Stops In Iowa

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who is running for the Republican presidential nomination, on Monday while campaigning in Iowa said that if he is elected president, he will work to reduce abortions by increasing support for adoption services nationwide, the Washington Times reports. Giuliani, who supports abortion rights, has said New York City's adoption rate rose 133% after his eight years as mayor because of tax credits, as well as programs such as adoption fairs and "Adoption Saturdays," which recruited judges to help finalize adoptions on weekends. He also has said that the number of abortions in the city decreased by 16% during the same period.

"I would like to do that for America," he said, adding, "I would like to see adoptions increase dramatically, and I would like to see women considering abortion have that option available to them." The Democratic National Committee released a statement challenging Giuliani's figures, citing press reports that adoption rates decreased during most of his time as mayor (Dinan, Washington Times, 8/7). Giuliani said that he would make permanent a $10,000 tax credit for adoption expenses. He also said he would leave in place current restrictions that allow federal funds to be used for abortions only in cases of rape, incest or when there is a threat to the life of the pregnant woman, Radio Iowa reports. "I believe that's a fair balance," Giuliani said. He added, "It allows states to make different decisions ... meaning people can effectuate their will better" (Henderson, Radio Iowa, 8/6).

Giuliani during his campaign stops also pledged to address the concerns of Republican voters who oppose abortion rights, the Associated Press reports. "One of my commitments is that we will look for the common ground that people have in this whole issue, which is a very difficult one," Giuliani said (Associated Press, 8/7). He added, "The common ground here is that I have already a definable record of increasing adoptions and decreasing abortions. I would expand that nationally" (Brune, Long Island Newsday, 8/7).

A Radio Iowa interview with Giuliani is available online.

NBC's "Nightly News" on Monday reported on Republican presidential candidates' positions on abortion rights. The segment includes comments from Giuliani, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and NBC News political director Chuck Todd (Gregory, "Nightly News," NBC, 8/6). Video of the segment is available online. In addition, MSNBC's "Hardball with Chris Matthews" on Monday included a discussion with Harold Schaitbergerof, president of the International Association of Firefighters, and Tony Blankley, editorial page editor of the Washington Times, about whether abortion rights should be the main issue in Republican primaries (Matthews, "Hardball with Chris Matthews," MSNBC, 8/6). Video of the segment is available online.

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