вторник, 28 июня 2011 г.

Wash. State Pharmacy Board Backs Pharmacists Who Refuse To Dispense Emergency Contraception

Reversing a 2007 decision that barred pharmacists from refusing to dispense a legal drug due to moral or religious objections, the Washington State Board of Pharmacy said it will allow pharmacists to refuse to dispense emergency contraception or other drugs for such reasons, as long as they refer patients to a pharmacy where the drugs are available, the Olympian reports.

A lawsuit challenging the 2007 decision was scheduled to go to trial beginning July 26, but a judge postponed it indefinitely on Monday at the request of lawyers representing both sides. The 2007 Board of Pharmacy rule never took effect because the suit was pending.

The board decided to reverse its earlier position because the legal battle could last another three years or more, according to Janelle Guthrie, a spokesperson for Attorney General Rob McKenna's (R) office. An agreement between the board's lawyers and the plaintiffs states that the board "intends to adopt a rule allowing facilitated referrals for all pharmacies and pharmacists out of stock or unable or unwilling to stock, or timely deliver or dispense lawfully prescribed medications on site to their patients for any reason, including for conscientious reasons."

Women's rights advocates were surprised that the board changed course. Elaine Rose, CEO of Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest, said she is "completely bewildered and baffled" by the move, adding, "Typically, in the settlement of a lawsuit, you don't just completely do a 180 and backtrack and give the other side everything they want" (Schrader, Olympian, 7/14).

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